income of a youtuber

Many people express their desire to become youtuber, a dream profession especially by young people, who grow up by accompanying the evolution of these digital influences . After all, the glamour that surrounds the daily lives of people like Rémi Gaillard and Squeezie attracts the attention of those who dream of being famous. income from youtube channel

However, an aspect not very publicized is unknown to most people: the remuneration of a youtuber.

Have you ever thought that it’s possible, despite all the benefits youtubers have, that living from the creation of video content on YouTube is not that profitable?

With today’s publication, we will help you better understand how much YouTube touches, so you can decide if it’s still worth working on this media. income from youtube channel

What is a youtuber?

What is a youtuber?

Before discovering the income of a Youtuber, it is important to know clearly what it means to be a youtuber.

Many people imagine that only those who have a chain of success on YouTube can be called youtuber. But regardless of the number of subscribers you follow on your channel, if you produce video content on this network, you are already considered a youtuber.

It does not matter if you have created a channel to promote your brand, to talk about everyday topics or to broadcast educational material. Just publishing your videos on YouTube already makes you a youtuber. income from youtube channel

What sets you apart from people like Norman and chains like Yellow Laugh is the number of subscribers and their commitment to these channels, which makes them better known than you.

What is the income of a youtuber?

What is the income of a youtuber?

Now that you understand that anyone who has a channel on YouTube and posts videos on this network is a youtuber, you still have to know how much they touch. Finally, this is a very common question for all beginners who want to get resources through this network.

There are many rumors about the salary of a famous youtubeur. And these rumors become even more real when you look at the changes in lifestyle of some people known on YouTube, who often travel a lot, are very present on the media, wear clothes of famous brands, etc.

The Social Blade website , which specializes in the payment of youtubers from around the world, has very high assumptions about the amounts collected by these video content producers. Here are some examples: income from youtube channel

Of course, it is possible to make money with videos on YouTube, but to tell the truth, this network does not pay as much as we imagine and requires a lot of work from the content producers.

We will present you some figures so that you can better understand:

According to an estimate from YouTube, every 1,000 views of a video, the youtuber author of this content cash about 1.00 euros in France. For American youtubers, the estimated amount is $ 4.50. income from youtube channel

But as you can see, these amounts are only estimates. This is because the YouTube algorithm that defines the salary of a youtubeur changes continuously.

Besides, it’s not because 1000 people are watching your video that you will necessarily receive $ 1.65. It is possible that you receive less, because it is the platform that establishes the amount you will receive.

And how is this defined?

A view, by definition someone who has watched your video, is taken into account only when a YouTube user clicks on an available ad on your video or watches for at least 30 seconds a video ad (those shown before your content itself). income from youtube channel

So, even if you have more than 3 million subscribers on your channel, the monthly amount you receive through YouTube may not exceed $ 5,000.

Of course, if you think about this sum, for a young person it is quite high. But do not believe that to achieve it you will just record videos any way, with any theme.

All of this requires a lot of research and dedication, but believing that you are going to make money as a famous youtuber overnight is just an Internet myth.

(To learn more about the myths of the digital market, access our publication and find out why you should not believe everything you read on the Internet .)

The big problem for those who start on this network is to imagine that only subscribers and “I like” for his videos will pay him a lot. However, as you can see, being famous and being well received by your audience will not be enough for you to keep the profession of youtuber as your only source of income. income from youtube channel

That’s not what we mean. We will give you some tips on how you can become a youtuber and still be paid for it.

How to make money as youtuber?

How to make money as youtuber?

As you have seen above, it is not possible to make money just with the “likes” granted to your videos by subscribers. But there are other ways to work like youtuber and get paid for it.

Advertising and editorial

Publishers are your posts on your YouTube channel that allow you to be paid. Let’s explain better!

Some companies are interested in partnering with youtubers to disclose their brands, especially if the channel belongs to the same niche and if youtuber has many subscribers belonging to the target audience of the company in question. income from youtube channel

There is no exact number for this partnership, everything will depend on the agreement between the brand that will be broadcast on your channel and you. There are even companies that exchange this kind of advertising for products made available to youtuber.

What matters in this type of strategy is to choose a product or service to disclose in line with the interests of your persona , so that the editorial does not disturb the user’s experience on your channel.

Presence on the media

From the moment a youtuber becomes very famous, it is recognized everywhere. This is because subscribers consider these people as celebrities and want to meet them.

So, if you have a lot of subscribers and likes on your YouTube channel, even if you do not have a financial return on that network, you can make money by participating in certain events. income from youtube channel

Today, it is very common to see stores promoting parades and promotions with “Internet celebrities”, who are known people via their chains.

Generally, these brands pay youtubers when they present themselves at the opening of a store, for example, or offer products in exchange for such attendance.

In addition, there are companies that pay Youtubers who give lectures and talk about their careers at certain events related to the digital market.

Regardless of the type of presence in front of the audience, if you’re famous on YouTube, you can be paid for attending an event and representing a brand. income from youtube channel


The other way to win as youtuber is related to the views, as we explained earlier.

Basically, you need to set up your channel to make money with the views of your videos. By doing so, you’re allowing YouTube to show other people’s ads in your videos, either as a banner or as suggestions next to and under the videos, with a few seconds of videos shown before you start your own content. .

There is now a big problem with this kind of gain, because Google has recently changed some rules and for a channel to start billing with third-party ads, you need to have at least 10,000 views. So you have to work on your channel’s broadcast strategy and that’s done with content, our next topic. income from youtube channel

How to increase engagement on your YouTube channel?

Regardless of how you choose to make money from YouTube, you should know that you will not be able to make money if your content is not interesting and of high quality. That’s why the most important part of the video creation strategy is knowing how to do it with content that interests your audience.

Do not you know what it takes to make a good video? So, stay tuned and follow the tips below.

Think about the content

How to increase engagement on your YouTube channel?

Many people believe that the first step to creating a successful video is to try to clearly define what your target audience will be. However, it does not always work. You may want to reach a certain audience, and after publishing your videos you will come to realize that the people watching you are very different from the ones you have imagined.

Fábio Porchat, one of the creators of the Brazilian chain Porta dos Fundos, has already reported that at first they thought their videos would be more watched by young people and teenagers. But with time and after publishing the videos, they realized that their audience was very different from what they thought. income from youtube channel

That’s why the first thing you need to think about when creating your videos is the content. Once you’ve decided what you’ll be talking about and after seeing the audience’s reaction to your videos, you’ll know who your audience really is.

Define your niche

Still with regard to the content of your videos, it is very important to define your area of ​​intervention and, if possible, to choose a micro-niche to talk about very specific topics. This is because the more you manage to be precise, the more likely your material will be to reach a well-engaged audience, who really wants to know more about what you have to say.

Make your own videos

Well, on the Internet (and everywhere else), no one likes to always receive the same content and information. It’s no use talking about the fitness world just because now it’s fashionable. income from youtube channel

Of course, it is possible to innovate in a saturated niche to make videos on what you like. You have to research the digital market to discover what does not exist yet and find your differential, then create your own content without copying other channels.

If necessary, innovate always

Even if you are the most creative person in the world, sooner or later everyone is artistically exhausted. This is where you need to recognize your limits and think about ways to continue creating video content.income from youtube channel

Think about the small improvements you can put in place, for example: use a screenwriter, change the title of your videos, change the editing style you’ve adopted, alternate the days of your posts or make a video completely different from the ones you are used to.

Obviously, changing overnight can worry your subscribers and yourself. However, if you notice that this is a good strategy, think about it and you may end up changing your target audience and niche.

Publish periodically

Your videos should be published periodically because people follow your channel based on your content and want to access your videos as soon as possible. That’s why you need an editorial calendar and, if possible, choose specific days for your posts, so that your videos are recurring and users know when you’re going to publish new content.

Be careful not to post videos one after the other, as this may result in overlapping videos. Remember to always leave time between your posts, so that users have the time to watch, comment and share. income from youtube channel

These are just a few ways to keep your audience permanently interested in your content. There are several other tips and you can read one of these tips in our publication: how to  do SEO for YouTube and get visibility for your videos

Is it worth youtuber?

It is very interesting to create video content, mainly because people consume more and more audiovisual material, which is easy to assimilate and can be watched anywhere

Some are much more comfortable transmitting information, whether through video, text or other formats. In addition, gaining financial independence by working with something that makes us happy is the ambition of most people.

Having a YouTube channel is indeed a great strategy to increase your audience and get your audience to engage more in your business world. It’s always important to let people know what solution your products or services can offer.

If you have arrived here and are comfortable with shooting videos, but still do not know if it’s worth being a youtuber, know that there are other possibilities to work with videos without necessarily use this network. To better understand this, read our full publication on how to make money with Internet videos – except for YouTube. income from youtube channel