Use Magnets to Heal, Is It Possible?


Use magnets to heal, is it possible?

Based on the research of people like Albert Roy Davis, Walter C. Rawls and many others, the use of magnets has become a healing field that should be more “ conventional ” but nowadays is treated by profession medical as “ marginal curanería medicine ”.

This topic is vast and would require a full text to do justice to the subject, however, I will try to give you a ‘proof’ of what is possible when we are using magnets to cure the human body in natural way.

The therapeutic use of static magnets has gained acceptance for the treatment of a number of physiological, cardiovascular and neuro-musculoskeletal problems ranging from pain relief to the possibility of preventing heart attacks.

The uses of unipolar and bipolar static magnets, as well as other forms of magnetic therapy that include highly studied pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF), have been investigated since long before the turn of the century.

Magnets have an effect on the body simply because when you think about what it is made of (mainly water and minerals), they are ionic molecules (an atom or charged molecule), which means that they all have an electric charge and have positive and negative poles.

This is significant if you remember the days of your early childhood scientific experiments that used magnets to show the ‘fields’ they produce using iron filings. These same fields can have a direct impact on the body.

Even after all the research that has been done with magnets, it’s still not entirely clear how they work. It is only known that they have an effect on human physiology that has been replicated and has been shown to have an effect on the biochemical chain of events that occur in the body.

A specific effect has to do with the way in which minerals and even water are used in soft tissues after trauma and in normal daily biochemical processes that occur daily. [1,2] Because certain magnets have these effects on the body, a study has shown that they delay and, in some cases, dramatically reduce acute neuronal swelling after injection of chemicals that overstimulate nerve tissue. [3]

The action that a magnetic field has on the body reduces the excitotoxicity, hyperexcitability and fluid retention that occurs at the cellular level between the affected tissues due to trauma.

The pain associated with post-traumatic events, such as hitting the door of a car with your finger, is not limited to a simple chain of events. With this in mind, and understanding that magnets can regulate many systems in the body, especially after a traumatic event, they can help prevent the biochemical cascade that occurs after the fact.

The human cell is a very complex anatomical entity that can be affected on many levels. Trauma can cause changes in the natural movement of ionic channel proteins;

it can also cause physical changes in the lipid bilayer (a type of fat) that forms the cell wall and inhibits the internal movement of ions and water. The good news is that if you act immediately after a traumatic event by placing magnets in the affected area, it can have a significant clinical effect. [4]

Many researchers have analyzed the use of static magnetic fields (SMF) in animals and humans; In an animal study it was found that SMFs affected the magnetic fields of some internal organs of the test subject. It was also discovered that an orientation of the magnets during the treatment period could have an effect on the chemistry of the blood and on the function of the organs. [5]


Other potential uses of magnets include their use in the treatment of circulatory problems by which magnets were shown to reduce thickness, viscosity and blood flow. An article in the journal ‘Science’ that was published in 2011 analyzes the use of magnets for this purpose. Located at:

By doing my own personal research on companies that sell only magnets, I discovered that there are many companies that only sell real physical magnets, and they have no knowledge of their use with respect to what was discussed above.

Then there are those who sell magnets for therapeutic use, many of whom do not have the clinical training or technical background to be able to have an educated discussion about how they should be used responsibly.

I talked to the owner of a company that gave me an idea that I couldn’t find anywhere else. A great information that he shared with me was that most of the company’s products are not oriented correctly.

There is a difference between magnetic north and polar north; Many of the products sold on the web are oriented towards the north polar. Your site also has a lot of excellent information that I also found very useful at

Keep in mind that there is a science in this, and as with the human body when it comes to healing, it is almost never a one-dimensional approach. Actual healing will require a multidimensional methodology that can also include the use of magnets.


1. McLean M, Holcomb R, Wamil A, Pickett J. Effects of stable magnetic fields on the action potentials of sensory neurons less in vitro. Environ Med 1991; 8: 36-44.

2. McLean M, Holcomb R, Wamil A, Pickett J, Cavopol A. Blocking sensory neuronal action potentials by a static magnetic field in the range of 10 mT. Bio electromagnetics 1995; 16: 20-32.

3. McLean M, Holcomb R, McDonald P, Sanderson L, Lombard K. A static magnetic field decreases the neuronal inflammation induced by kainic acid. Summaries of the 21st Annual Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetic Society, Long Beach, California, p. 132)

4. Vallbona C, Hazlewood C, Jurida G. Pain response to static magnetic fields in postpolio patients: a double-blind pilot study. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1997; 78; 1200-3.

5. Milovanovich I, Cirkovic S, De Luka S, Trbovich A, et. Alabama. The homogeneous static magnetic field of different orientation induces biological changes in underwater exposure