Having an online presence and working with relevant content marketing has become an essential way for companies. That’s because these strategies, when well applied, are crucial for corporations to excel in the marketplace. tools for content creation

So they are more likely to capture new opportunities, build customer loyalty and be better prepared and willing to face changes in production and consumption formats. For this, the ideal is to rely on the tools to create content.

Technology offers numerous handy tools. And with each passing day, new solutions are generated. Content creation tools, when well used, optimize the materials to be produced. This reduces rework, makes better use of time and increases performance.

So if you are working for a content marketing and digital marketing company, or if you want to enter into this strategy feasibly and look no further to check how content creation tools can be excellent tools for you to make your business stand out.

Content production

Relevant content is what sets the top companies apart. And to be successful in this role, the content producer must be comprehensive. This is because he will not only write texts. The content producer is someone who is always up to date and in touch with digital solutions. So you should know about the main tools for creating content that is currently successful. tools for content creation

It is also a function that requires time and dedication – and of course, the idea is that the company invests effectively and constantly in qualifying this professional.

The first points to be highlighted in the production professional are: read much. And it is also required to have a minimum of knowledge about design, programming, productivity, entrepreneurship, among others. 

And these actions can not only be but should be optimized with the aid of technological tools. This decreases manual work and improves production. Remember that these platforms do not minimize the jobs of the professional, only make him devote this effort in necessary attitudes.


Content marketing has, among its many functions, the goal of increasing a brand’s engagement with visitors, leads and customers. tools for content creation

It also aims to make the company best known in the market as the top choice of suppliers and the most remembered by consumers in general.

In addition to producing these contents, we must know how to disseminate them. Today, some numerous platforms and tools help in this process: websites, blogs and the various social networks are great channels for publicity and contact with the public. Each network asks for different productions. You should learn more about how to get the most out of each social network. tools for content creation

Meet 5 Tools to Create Content

Google Trends

An essential part of content production is researching and planning where to start, right? For this, it is essential to know which keywords will be used in this material. To do this, using Google Trends as one of the tools for creating content is very important because it shows and the search volume of a keyword.

Besides, Google Trends also allows you to target searches for those words by time and place.

Another essential feature of this tool is the ability to be aware of related words that appear at the bottom of the page. That’s because they can give you great keyword variation ideas.

Answer the Public

This tool is also important when planning content. Because it helps to gain insights when doing this project, to use it, simply choose a keyword and decide the location you want to search for – that is, what is the relevance of that keyword in a certain region. tools for content creation

This tool shows what people are looking for on the Internet. So this would help you write hot topics to drive users to your content. The results you see there are incredibly organized and easy to see – easy to add to a report and graphs.

Extra tip: Combine Google Trends with Answer The Public. With that, make sure your results will be better than expected. Remember that many of the tools that will be cited have their functionality enhanced when combined. tools for content creation

Google Docs

Google’s free tool is exceptionally functional for producing text format content. It is lean, agile and has an intuitive interface. Anyone who has ever used Microsoft Word will master Google Docs in a matter of seconds as they are extremely similar. Besides, Google Docs offers the option of installing add-ons according to your production needs.


Free and essential to keep your organization up-to-date, Evernote is reaching more and more people. This tool, unlike the others mentioned above, is not directly linked to production. But if you use it effectively, it can make your content creation and routine more powerful.

One of Evernote’s many functions is the notebook that supports various formats. So, just like Docs, it can be a fantasy platform when writing content. It also allows you to store in an organized and structured manner all the information you consider pertinent to the material to be produced. tools for content creation

It’s also a great way to make lists and checklists quickly, intuitively and promptly. Remember that this tool is available for Windows PC and Phone, Android, IOS, MAC and has extensions for Chrome, Firefox and Safari.


In addition to text, images are significant for quality material. Therefore, it is not always possible or practical to use Photoshop. In this scenario, the online design tool called DesignCap can help you create stunning graphics.

DesignCap is one of the leading online graphic editors. It is simple to use, offers various templates and photos available. Simply clip and drop the elements intuitively, according to your planning, creativity and organization. It also offers the exact size required by social networking posts – which greatly assists in the issue of image editing. tools for content creation


Now that you know the tools for creating content. Also, with this article, you can learn a little more about some tools for creating content that can optimize this important process. This will make it more dynamic and beneficial to your company’s marketing strategy.


tools for content creation