Addiction is a misunderstood ailment. The social stigma against substance abuse and dependency on narcotics can treatment more challenging. OPIOID TREATMENT 

Patients and their families often have several misconceptions about addiction, which leads them to making poor decisions. At American Addiction Institute, we seek to educate patients and help them understand their addiction. OPIOID TREATMENT 

We also offer medication-assisted treatment programs to help eliminate addiction.


Most people don’t intend to become dependent on drugs. Many drug addiction stories start the same way; a patient is dealing with chronic pain or something similar when they’re prescribed an opioid-based medicine. OPIOID TREATMENT 

They eventually grow dependent on this medication and slide into addiction. Heroin is a cheaper alternative to traditional medication and it is easily available. Patients spiral down and need more heroin to satisfy their cravings, which leads to destructive behavior as well as intense withdrawal symptoms.

Many people believe that strong willpower and commitment are enough to shrug off addiction, but that’s not true. Don’t underestimate the influence of Opioids and how they can alter brain function. You need something to counteract this effect to kick an addiction.


People have a strange aversion to treating substance abuse with medication. They consider drugs the enemy and don’t want to take more medications. However, this aversion can delay your recovery and increase your propensity for relapse. Medication-assisted treatment is often misunderstood. Here’s a look at what it does: OPIOID TREATMENT 

  • Medicine corrects any chemical alterations in your brain caused by addiction and Opioid consumption. It restored balance in your mind and increases the chances of recovery.


  • MAT includes more than just medication. We also provide therapy sessions, one-on-one counseling, group discussions, etc, to help patients on their journey. A combination of all these treatments is very effective and can help with all kinds of addiction. OPIOID TREATMENT 


  • Setbacks are a part of the recovery process. Withdrawal symptoms, cravings, anxiety, and depression can have an impact on recovery. It’s common for patients to get back on drugs to cope. Medication mutes the intensity of the withdrawal symptoms, which eases the path towards recovery.

We use proven solutions like methadone, buprenorphine, and naltrexone in our treatments. Our experts monitor the patient’s health carefully to ensure they don’t experience any setbacks or adverse effects.


Our goal is to make sure patients kick the addiction permanently and experience no relapses after their treatment is complete. This doesn’t just require addressing addiction, but also the patient’s mindset. OPIOID TREATMENT 

We use a combination of solutions like Buprenorphine treatment with comprehensive counseling to slowly bring the patient back to a healthier mindset. In our experience, this provides truly long-lasting results.

Our goal is to make sure every patient recovers from the addiction and maintains a positive mindset. If you want to know more or would like to enroll in our medication-assisted treatment programs, don’t hesitate to reach out to American Addiction Institute today.

Looking for an opioid treatment program in Orange County? We can help. Our team of experts will work with you to find the right program for your needs. We offer a variety of programs and services, all tailored to help you overcome your addiction and get your life back on track. Call us today to learn more. OPIOID TREATMENT 

Looking for an opioid treatment program in Orange County? Look no further! We have compiled a list of the top 10 programs in the area, complete with reviews and contact information. Find the right program for you and get started on the road to recovery today!