Traditionally, to earn money, you go to work every morning, usually five days a week, all for a well-defined monthly salary. But with advancement of the Internet, sources of income have increased, especially with the increase of social networks.  The Internet has become a way to make money. SOCIAL MEDIA NETWORKS

Social Media Networks

Social Media Networks

Everyone knows what the Internet is, and the majority of you know what social networks are, the best-known being Facebook. What about these social networks Pinterest, Instagram and YouTube , to name only these main ones? Sharing your memories and interacting with people from all over the world is one thing, but using these social networks to make money, business? Have you thought about it? No doubt you have heard of some people who are making a fortune using social media, but how this is the main question arising in your mind right now? SOCIAL MEDIA NETWORKS

We will review the different social networks, and their features in review. Then, we will see how you can very seriously round up your ends of the month, or even earn much more money, if you use them wisely. But before talking about social media networks, first talk about the way the most obvious of making money online: Owning a site and building it, profitable, of course. But for your site to earn, you still need something to sell on it to make a good income out of it

Have You Read About Social Media an asset to develop your Business

Have a Website

Before building your website, you must first define what it will contain for users! You’re going to sell something to the users, yes, but what? Answering this question is essential. But sometimes it can be anything but easy. Make money from your website, yes. But what are you going to sell? To answer this question which can sometimes be thorny, it is useless to look too far, or worse, to try to copy someone who has done it very well! Because your inclinations and tastes will differ! SOCIAL MEDIA NETWORKS

This is the crux of the problem! Are you going to sell fitness equipment, or business strategy advice, or what do I know if you do not hear it? Of course not! You will sell the product effectively only what you master it perfectly the art of selling. To determine what your merchant site will contain, trust yourself..

Have faith in your knowledge in the areas where you excel. Trust your passions, your hobbies. And above all, do not forget to ask the fateful question: Is this a buoyant sector?

Indeed, you will have to rely on market trends, but also, to your flair! Maybe you are yourself a detector of trends that is ignored! What do your products or services have more than others? Are these unique products? If yes, is there a craze for this type of product? If not, what do you offer that do not offer the other sites? Having your own website is equivalent to having your own business. The advantages, a showcase open 24/7, which never takes a break or a vacation. SOCIAL MEDIA NETWORKS

While you are asking these questions, there is another one that must come … But how to create your own website? To this question, rest assured, there are a multitude of possibilities. Building a website, that can be learned. But you will have to arm yourself with patience, show yourself hard, and work! There are many platforms that will help you in this direction. Open Classroom for example, will provide you with free lessons, with validation tests after each step.

There are other platforms such as Wix or 1and1 who will take care of the tedious part for you, for a small monthly fee for hosting, SEO, the domain name and for those who want, the shop integrated online for business. As you see, nothing can prevent you from owning your own website! SOCIAL MEDIA NETWORKS

How to make money using Facebook

How to make money using Facebook

Facebook platform will give you a chance to join an affiliate program. But what is an affiliate program? These are the programs that will link your page, or your site to some big brands arising now a days. These affiliate programs will guide you through the rest of the process, including compensation. Simply post sponsored posts, add content, build customer loyalty, and make easy money.

But there are other ways to do business online. Facebook has put online, its Marketplace, the image of Leboncoin. You probably have items you do not need anymore. Well, now you can sell them on Facebook! You can also sell a Facebook page! Yes, a page that you have created, and that has a large number of subscribers may interest someone who will not want to go through the registration box. She does not serve you anymore? Sell it. SOCIAL MEDIA NETWORKS

Earning from YouTube

Earning from YouTube

Become rich on the Internet, it is possible! You have certainly heard of “Youtubers” who have become millionaires and famous thanks to this social media network. On the other side of the Atlantic, Rihanna or Justin Bieber did not become millionaires just by selling albums! But also, cumulating an impressive number of views on YouTube. More than 3 billion views for Rihanna, thanks to sulphurous videos, 2 billion more than Justin Bieber who can boast of being the most hated singer 

But YouTube works its opacity about the way some people are paid, and especially about the sums earned! But you can get an idea by visiting stat sheep. Just write the name of the personality you are interested in, and you will have access to the number of subscribers, the number of videos watched, and the number of videos downloaded. Because the best way to make money on YouTube, will necessarily pass by a consequent number of subscribers! SOCIAL MEDIA NETWORKS

Could you become the Norman of tomorrow, and like him, earn 100,000 euros a year? Or the new Cyprien, who earns around 94,000 euros a year? Or compete with Rémi Gaillard, officially the first French millionaire in France?

Getting rich on Youtube is certainly not guaranteed, everything will depend essentially on you, your Youtube videos, the animation of your channel, and how you will treat your subscribers. SOCIAL MEDIA NETWORKS

Without wanting to cool your heat, monetize videos on YouTube is not within the reach of everyone. Thousands of people have tried it, without success.  No, being Youtuber is definitely not the best way to make money quickly. Whatever network you decide to use, the recipe must be the same: Have a passion for what you publish, be organized, and invest. YouTube also allows you to win prizes, by promoting certain products.

How social networks can help you make ends meet? We publish all kinds of content: Links, photos, etc. Why not monetize them? To do this, and whatever you do, you will not achieve anything if you only have about ten subscribers! Work your popularity rating, will be the number one priority.

Make your content profitable

Say you have thousands of subscribers on your YouTube channel, your Facebook page or your Instagram account. Let’s also mention your account Pinterest, or Twitter … How to make this popularity profitable? You embody an image, an outfit, a philosophy, or even a point of view. So, you make sure to make your content visible, well. You are therefore willing to spend a lot of time there, because to add value, you will need to publish regularly.SOCIAL MEDIA NETWORKS

In any case, prepare yourself, if you publish videos of yourself, to invest in quality material, or even clothing representing the best character you embody. Prepare to receive comments too! Sometimes flattering, but very often, hateful! Nevertheless, never lose his means, and whatever happens, stay close to his subscribers! And most importantly, have an AdSense account!

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Earning from AdSense

AdSense is Google’s advertising agency. All banners (which sometimes annoy you), are the result of Google AdSense, which by the way, allows you to monetize your content on the Internet. Your content will be analyzed, and advertising banners will appear, in line with your publications. SOCIAL MEDIA NETWORKS



Instagram has more than 600 million users around the world. It is a social network based on the exchange of photos and videos. It also allows dialogue with other users around the world, which would incidentally create new friendships, but also and why not, to create common projects, events, or why not partnerships!

On Instagram, you can create your online store. Decide what you want to sell, ask yourself what might be interesting, not to mention what already exists. Most of what is sold on Instagram usually revolves around fashion and beauty. Getting started on this niche can work as long as what you propose will be unique. Feel free to inspire you with accounts that work well, and how they work.

Choose a unique name that appeals, seduces, but is easy to memorize. Avoid the numbers, and it is too long, what you want is that your potential customers find you easily. Make a logo, which will also be your profile picture. SOCIAL MEDIA NETWORKS

Introduce yourself by being polite, professional, while making a detailed description of your store, or services that you offer. Do not forget to post your details, because Instagram does not offer like Facebook, messaging. To overcome this absence, you can still download a compatible application, allowing you to converse with your different subscribers. If you sell items, take beautiful pictures, put them in value, without omitting to indicate the various means of payment.

The hashtags or “sharp words” will to master, allowing your visitors to know which theme you ask. The hashtag will also allow all your subscribers to react on a “related” subject, to know which topics are highlighted. Regarding selling prices, think about the shipping costs, avoid your customers any bad surprises!

As on all social networks in general, the number of subscribers on Instagram will be essential. So, do not hesitate to link all your accounts, by interconnecting them! If you sell articles, promote them on all social networks. Subscribe to accounts of illustrious unknowns, and work your relationship, these strangers will say the greatest good of you. Post regular photos or videos of the best quality possible, making your account attractive.

Try to convince other users to promote your products, for example, by advertising other users. Or, by giving gifts to local celebrities, without, of course, forgetting to publish the photo of the event. And above all, do not hesitate to ask your customers and / or prospects, their opinion. By inspiring yourself, you will only be able to improve! SOCIAL MEDIA NETWORKS

Become a brand Ambassador

On the social media networks where you are present, quote a brand to which you are affiliated. On Instagram, for instance, take a picture or video with an article from the brand you represent. You will get this brand, discounts on their products, or gifts, or money.

In conclusion

Achieving financial independence using social media is an achievable goal. But do not venture into unknown and hazardous ways. Do or talk about what you know well. Be realistic, and adopt a strategy, a clear plan. Look after your image and your subscribers, they will return the favor with hard cash? SOCIAL MEDIA NETWORKS